Campaign introduction


For this project we have been asked to work in groups. Together with two of my classmates, we have been collaborating to inspire students at Oxford Brookes to adopt healthier lifestyles. We were particularly looking into how poor alimentary choices can affect students' wellbeing and how an improved diet can be beneficial for our minds and bodies. 




Here is a link to our poster presentation


Reflection on the poster presentation

Even though we had tried to organise ourselves in a practical way so each one of us could contribute to the delivery of the presentation, I can see how we should have paid more attention to our data collection and the process we went through. Our desire to divide tasks and therefore to do an equal amount of work might have affected the clarity of the presentation's delivery. For example we provided data on different parts of the presentation which might have weakened the structure and perhaps slightly confused the audience. 


Linked to the data collection, we might have overlooked the importance of mentioning and referencing the sources. We focused only on the data collected rather than how we obtained data and who was involved in said process. It is very important to base any research on relevant trustworthy data. We also failed to relate our topic (healthy eating) with the environmental impact of students’ eating choices, which would have added more depth to our project. 


We recognize the limitations our project had, such as the rather short presentation time limit which forced us to leave behind less relevant topics that would have enriched our campaign such as discussing the financial aspect of it. We could have mentioned where our budget was coming from and perhaps given some more ideas about how we could support our campaign long-term. We also assumed that the SDGs were evident so we did not mention much about them. This was actually a very important task that we overlooked. 


Linked to the previous point, one of our limitations was also our limited English vocabulary which we worked hard on improving for the purpose of this project. Our pronunciation might have hindered the clarity of the presentation's delivery however I personally feel like this experience enriched my own vocabulary. 


We did indeed help each other improve some delivery aspects of it such as grammar correction and improved vocabulary when rehearsing together before the time of the presentation. However, after seeing our peers’ fantastic presentations, I reached the conclusion that it might have also been useful to have some peer advice on our presentation. I believe their input could have helped us cover our blind spots. We will take this into consideration for our next project.